Introducing Cycode AI: Bringing AI Inside the Only Complete ASPM

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Director of Product Marketing

Meet the latest evolution in the only Complete Application Security Posture Management (ASPM) platform with AI inside.

Gen AI’s everywhere. There’s really no getting away from it, but here at Cycode we wanted to ensure we’re being very intentional about how we built it into the fabric of our Complete ASPM platform.

A little less than a year ago, we also launched the only Complete ASPM to help bring developers and security closer together for full visibility and control of an organization’s security posture. Since then, 93 Billion lines of code were added in the wild and the volume continues to grow exponentially — leaving adversaries the opportunity to also get smarter, faster, leverage AI and increase your overall threat landscape. A feat that seems impossible to keep up with. 

But how do we actually keep up? Our customers know that since Day 1, Cycode’s philosophy has been to make sure we transform application security into a team sport. This is the North Star we’ve used to bring AI into the hands of security and development teams and we’re so excited to show you what’s in store so you can actually go out there and (A)chieve the (I)mpossible.

Enter, Cycode AI for Security Team Productivity 

Making sure your organization remains secure in today’s complex development environment is a challenge. Traditional methods often fall short in delivering the accuracy and efficiency needed to safeguard against sophisticated threats. To help address this, Cycode AI brings four advanced features designed to enhance your overall security posture:

AI Inside the Risk Intelligence Graph: Leverage natural language to query across the industry’s most advanced risk graph. Ask it anything about your environment like “List all the instances of Log4J currently in production.” Intelligently map your software architecture, identify and prioritize critical risks across code, dependencies, and infrastructure down to the critical 1%. 

Material Code Change Alerting AI: Keeping track of significant code changes across a sprawling codebase can be daunting. Our Material Code Change Alerting AI continuously monitors for critical modifications, automatically alerting your team to potential risks. This real-time monitoring ensures that your security team can swiftly pinpoint and address risky changes, maintaining the integrity of your code and preventing vulnerabilities from slipping through the cracks.

AI Regex Builder: Creating regular expressions to detect security issues can be complex and error-prone. Cycode AI simplifies this with our AI Regex Builder, which automatically generates precise and effective regex patterns. This tool significantly reduces false positives and negatives, enabling your team to identify security issues more accurately and efficiently.

AI Secrets Detection: Detecting generic secrets, such as passwords or API keys embedded in code, is crucial for maintaining security. Traditional detection methods often result in high false positive and negative rates. Our AI Secrets Detection feature utilizes advanced machine learning models to identify these secrets with close to flawless precision and recall. This means your team can trust the detections and focus on real threats, enhancing your overall security posture.

Force Multiply Security For All Your Developers  

For developers, speed and accuracy are paramount. Cycode AI’s AI SAST Remediation offers intelligent code fixes, enhancing developer productivity by reducing the time spent on finding and fixing vulnerabilities. This solution allows developers to maintain their velocity without compromising on security.

Here’s what you can expect: 

AI Remediation & Auto Fix: Leverage AI-powered Static Application Security Testing (SAST) to receive automatic, context-aware code fixes, reducing remediation time and enabling faster development cycles.

Complete Visibility & Discovery Into Where AI Code Exists 

There’s no doubt AI is transforming how organizations operate by providing speed and efficiency. But because of how fast things have been moving, there’s been unsupervised use of AI tools by employees, bypassing IT and data governance oversight. Often considered Shadow AI, can expose companies to significant risks, including data breaches, legal issues, and security vulnerabilities.

AI Discovery: Cycode’s AI Discovery provides in-depth visibility into the use of AI tools throughout your organization. By integrating seamlessly with your code repositories, CI/CD pipelines, and cloud infrastructure, Cycode identifies and monitors AI-related activities, ensuring complete oversight. This allows your team to detect ungoverned AI usage, mitigate associated risks, and maintain a robust security posture.

We’re excited for you to give Cycode AI a spin and experience the transformative power it brings across the security posture of your organization. We’re absolutely dedicated to helping every organization’s security and development teams (A)chieve the (I)mpossible in this transformative age of AI. See firsthand how Cycode’s Complete ASPM can help yours do it too — book a demo today.