Ingest & Understand
Your Security Posture
Decrease risk and streamline complexity in your application portfolio
using our AI-powered ASPM platform, compatible with any third party
security tools.
{ ASPM Marketplace }
Select from 100+ Integrations
& Connectors You Already Use
The ASPM marketplace is where Cycode brings together the
world’s best security and developer tools in the industry’s
only Complete ASPM Platform.

{ Prioritization }
Ruthless Prioritization with
Code-to-Cloud Traceability
All your third party security vulnerabilities ingested by the Risk Intelligence Graph at scale, providing better context, risk scoring, and a focus on business impact.

{ Remediation }
Developer Experience Designed for Velocity
Empowering the right developers at the right time to maintain their development flow, ship faster, and meet high business expectations while staying secure.
Take Action, Make Critical Code Fixes
Make code fixes for different types of violations right within the developers PR workflow as well as within the Cycode Platform.
Automate Workflows, Scale Security
Build out the workflows your team needs so that you can automatically apply the guardrails and code fixes for violations and repos affecting the org.
Keep Shipping, Reduce MTTR
Automatically keep track of remediated vulnerabilities so your development and security teams can report progress on reducing MTTR.