Beyond Legacy SAST: Unleashing the Power of Risk Prioritization in a Complete ASPM
Calling all CISOs and Security Leaders - tired of false positives, inaccurate results and inefficiencies for your developers because of your SAST? Legacy tools too often struggle with inaccurate findings, and false positives along with poor workflow integrations create unnecessary work for your developers meaning it’s slow and difficult to fix critical risks. Join our expert panel to hear Cycode’s Founder & CTO, Bearer’s Founder & CEO and Roland Cloutier, former Global CSO of TikTok as they delve into the future of SAST as part of a complete ASPM. With a wealth of technical expertise and Roland’s leadership experience securing one of the most complex developer organizations in the world at TikTok, our panelists will discuss how modern organizations can unlock developer productivity and reduce security costs from more intelligent prioritization with SAST integrated into a complete ASPM.
You’ll learn:
- Why speed, precision and developer experience matter
- How to add context to SAST results in an ASPM platform
- How intelligent risk prioritization in ASPM can improve security posture and boost your ROI
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