Managing secrets in Terraform: The Complete Guide

With the fast-evolving cloud infrastructure trends, organizations are increasingly adopting Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for managing and provisioning their computing resources. Leading this change is Terraform, an open-source tool that has fundamentally changed how the teams deploy and manage their infrastructure. Infrastructure as code (IaC) is like writing up a blueprint for every single server, every single database, and every single component of your cloud environment. Everything is defined and managed in code rather than manual configuration.

However, as organizations adopt this paradigm shift, they are introducing a fundamental challenge that sits at the junction of convenience and security: managing sensitive information in their infrastructure code. In addition, Terraform’s capability to effectively design and control complex infrastructure often demands the use of credentials, API keys, and other sensitive data that provide access to different cloud services and resources, meaning that developers must either keep that information secure locally or use some external means to manage sensitive data.

Key takeaways include:

  • Secret management in Terraform is important for security and compliance, helping prevent data breaches and unauthorized access
  • Organizations should avoid hardcoding secrets in Terraform configurations and use dedicated secret management tools instead
  • Best practices include encrypting state files, implementing strict access controls, regularly rotating secrets, and securing CI/CD pipelines

What is Secret Management?

Secret management refers to the process of securely storing, distributing, and managing sensitive information such as API keys, passwords, certificates, and other credentials required by applications and systems to operate. Secrets management consists of using specialized tools and platforms called secrets managers, which encrypt sensitive data, control access to it through authentication and authorization mechanisms, and offer secure methods of retrieving secrets programmatically when needed by the applications.

Organizations need ways to manage and keep secrets secure in distributed systems while continuing to enable automation and scalability as defined in modern cloud-native paradigms. Secret management solutions allow organizations to centralize credential storage, automatically rotate secrets frequently, report on access patterns, scan identity providers for access, and never have secrets appear in code repositories, logs, or configuration files. This prevents data breaches, maintains compliance requirements, and reduces the operational overhead of managing dual sensitive credentials across complex technology stacks.

How Does Secret Management Work in Terraform?

Managing secrets in Terraform involves a delicate balance between accessibility and security. As teams work with infrastructure code, they need a reliable way to handle sensitive information during deployment, updates, and state management – all while ensuring those secrets remain protected from unauthorized access.

Core Architecture and State Management

Secret management in Terraform works through integration with external secret management systems. Terraform has to deal with sensitive information at three key points in time as you deploy infrastructure while planning, when applying changes and when persisting the state. This forms a tricky problem where not only must secrets be accessible for the operation of the infrastructure, but they must also be secure from unauthorized access.

The state file is Terraform’s source of truth for infrastructure configuration and resource tracking. For sensitive values, the state file only stores references to where the secrets should be retrieved from, not the actual secret values themselves. This approach ensures that sensitive data remains secured in specialized, secret management systems while Terraform maintains the infrastructure configuration.

variable "database_password" {
  type      = string
  sensitive = true

resource "aws_db_instance" "example" {
  password = var.database_password
  # Other configuration...

Note: Secrets in the state file remain plaintext and must be protected via encryption (e.g., S3 + KMS) and strict access controls.

External Secret Management Systems

Terraform is designed to work with external secret management platforms as part of its core architecture. Rather than attempting to manage secrets itself, Terraform’s approach is to integrate with specialized secret management services that are purpose-built for securely storing and managing sensitive data.

provider "vault" {
  address = ""

data "vault_generic_secret" "db_credentials" {
  path = "secret/database"

resource "aws_db_instance" "app" {
  username =["username"]
  password =["password"]

For cloud-native environments, services like AWS Secrets Manager provide platform-specific advantages:

data "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "credentials" {
  secret_id = "database-credentials"

locals {
  db_creds = jsondecode(data.aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.credentials.secret_string)

Also Read: The Ultimate Guide to Kubernetes Secrets: Types, Creation, and Management

Sensitivity Tracking and Value Propagation

Terraform’s sensitivity tracking system uses a boolean flag to control how values are displayed in logs and outputs. When a value is marked as sensitive, Terraform ensures this display behavior propagates to any derived values. This means if you use a sensitive value as part of another configuration or output, that new value will also be automatically marked as sensitive and hidden from display.

output "db_connection_string" {
  value     = "postgresql://${var.db_user}:${var.db_password}@${aws_db_instance.main.endpoint}/mydb"
  sensitive = true

State Protection and Encryption

While Terraform does not store secrets in the state file, protecting your state file is still crucial as it contains sensitive information about your infrastructure configuration. When using remote state storage, you should enable encryption at rest and configure appropriate access controls through backend configuration:

terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    bucket = "terraform-state-prod"
    key    = "infrastructure/terraform.tfstate"
    region = "us-west-2"
    encrypt = true
    kms_key_id = "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"

The state file contains infrastructure metadata such as resource identifiers, network configurations, and other potentially sensitive infrastructure details. While actual secrets (like passwords and API keys) are not stored in the state file, encrypting the state file is still a security best practice to protect your infrastructure configuration from unauthorized access.

Why Managing Your Secrets in Terraform is Important

Managing secrets well in Terraform is not just a good practice but a security necessity. The hardcoding of secrets directly in your Terraform configurations creates many attack vectors for organizations. These configurations often find their way into version control systems, and even if the main branch is secured, it is possible that older commits could include leaked sensitive credentials. 

Just one compromised credential in your infrastructure code could open the door for attackers with wide access to your cloud resources, databases, and internal services. Additionally, the automated nature of infrastructure as code means that a secret that leaks may quickly be used to compromise resources in multiple environments at once.

Compliance and Audit Requirements

Today’s regulatory standards (SOC 2, PCI DSS, HIPAA) require tight controls around secret management. Going further, organizations are expected to prove that their secrets are encrypted as well as maintain extensive audit trails detailing who accessed what secrets and at which point in time. 

In the Terraform deployments, it means that adopting proper secret management is not an option, it is a compliance requirement. Each secret access must be logged, monitored, and traceable to the actual person or service account. This is especially important in situations where code repositories are also used to manage sensitive data.

Team Collaboration Challenges

Teams of a certain size have more powerful infrastructure under their control, and secret management goes from an interesting school exercise to a complex problem. Think of a case when an infrastructure is shared by teams. Without proper secret management, teams are forced to share credentials (going against the least-privilege principle), or they end up making multiple revisions of the same secrets (heightening the chances of exposure). 

When organizations span multiple cloud providers or if teams have to manage secrets across development, staging, and production environments, this problem becomes even worse.

Evolution of Infrastructure and Version Control

Secret management comes with unique challenges when it comes to infrastructure evolution. With systems growing and changing, organizations have to rotate secrets, update credentials, and keep systems secure during transitions. 

Good secret management in Terraform allows for these changes to be made safely and consistently across all environments. It also allows teams to keep a clean audit of infrastructure changes while not exposing secret information to version control systems. 

How to Get Secrets in Terraform

When it comes to working with secrets in Terraform, developers have several methods at their disposal. From simple environment variables to sophisticated cloud-based solutions, each approach offers different trade-offs between simplicity, security, and scalability.

Environment Variables Integration

While Terraform can read secrets from environment variables using TF_VAR_ prefix, this approach should be strictly limited to local development and testing. For production environments, always use dedicated secret management solutions. variable “db_password” { type = string sensitive = true } resource “aws_db_instance” “main” { password = var.db_password }

Integration with AWS Secrets Manager

AWS Secrets Manager integration offers a more robust solution for organizations heavily invested in the AWS ecosystem. This approach allows you to store and retrieve secrets while taking advantage of AWS’s built-in encryption, rotation, and access control features:

# Set environment variable: export TF_VAR_db_password="supersecret"
# WARNING: Environment variables can be exposed through process lists
# and should not be used for high-security environments or production secrets.
# Instead, use a dedicated secrets management solution like HashiCorp Vault


data "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "rds_secret" {
  name = "prod/rds/credentials"

data "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "rds_secret" {
  secret_id =

locals {
  db_creds = try(
      error_message = "Failed to parse secret JSON",
      is_valid      = false

HashiCorp Vault Integration

Vault provides a centralized secret management solution with advanced features like dynamic secrets, leasing, and detailed audit logging. Its integration with Terraform is seamless and offers powerful capabilities for secret management:

provider "vault" {
  address = ""

data "vault_generic_secret" "service_account" {
  path = "secret/my-service/credentials"

resource "kubernetes_secret" "service_account" {
  metadata {
    name = "service-account-creds"

  data = {
    credentials.json =["credentials"]

File-based Secret Management

While Terraform can read secrets from files using the file() function, this approach should generally be avoided in production environments. It’s primarily suitable for development or testing scenarios, and even then, should be used with caution.

# WARNING: This is an example of what to avoid in production
# This approach has several security risks and maintenance challenges
variable "ssh_private_key" {
  type        = string
  sensitive   = true
  description = "SSH private key - in production, use a proper secrets manager instead"
  # IMPORTANT: Setting defaults with file() is not recommended
  # default = file("~/.ssh/id_rsa")  # Don't do this in production!

# For SSH public keys or TLS certificates, consider using:
# 1. Cloud provider-specific secret managers (AWS Secrets Manager, Azure Key Vault)
# 2. HashiCorp Vault
# 3. Certificate management services

# example of a better approach using AWS Secrets Manager:
data "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "ssh_key" {
  secret_id = "prod/ssh/deployer-key"

resource "aws_key_pair" "deployer" {
  key_name   = "deployer-key"
  public_key = data.aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.ssh_key.secret_string

GitHub Secrets Integration

When using Terraform with GitHub Actions, secrets stored in GitHub can be securely passed to Terraform. This is typically done by setting GitHub Actions secrets and accessing them as environment variables in your workflows:

name: 'Terraform'

    branches: [ main, master ]

    runs-on: linux
      TF_VAR_api_token: ${{ secrets.API_TOKEN }}
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: 'Terraform Apply'
        run: terraform apply -auto-approve


Terraform Secret Management Best Practices

While Terraform provides various ways to handle secrets, following security best practices is crucial for protecting sensitive information. These guidelines help organizations maintain a strong security posture while leveraging the full power of infrastructure as code.

Implementing Encryption at Rest

Encryption at rest is a crucial step to ensure that sensitive information of your Terraform code is protected by securing state files. Remote state storage must always have encryption enabled. Try to use the cloud provider defaults (key managed by the cloud provider) or a custom KMS key. For example, when storing state in AWS S3, turn on default encryption and use customer-managed KMS keys for another layer of control. It should encrypt not only the state file itself but also any backups of the state or cached versions of the state.

Access Control Implementation

Implementing least-privilege access is crucial for secret management. Each team or service should only have access to the secrets they need. This involves carefully designing IAM roles and policies that grant minimal necessary permissions for Terraform operations. Teams should be segmented based on their responsibilities, with separate access controls for development, staging, and production environments. Regular access reviews and automated policy enforcement help maintain this security posture over time.

Secret Rotation Strategy

To establish your security hygiene in infrastructure, you need to rotate secrets at regular intervals. Make sure to implement mechanisms to automatically rotate secrets that can modify credentials for all relevant systems without disrupting any services. This involves planning for smooth transitions during rotation windows, keeping the version of secrets in sync with dependent systems, and making sure that all dependent systems can respond to secret rotation events. The rotation policy/strategy should also have procedures for emergency rotation in the event of a suspected compromise.

State Protection Mechanisms

State protection is more than simple encryption. This is done by implementing versioning so that changes can be tracked, enabling logging for access patterns, and finally, establishing appropriate mechanisms for backup. State files must be stored in locations that enforce strict access controls, and each attempt to access the files per posting must be logged (for audit purposes). Use state-locking features to avoid concurrent updates that can corrupt or invalidate the state file.

CI/CD Pipeline Security

The CI/CD pipeline is a vital route for secret management. Implement proper secret injection mechanisms that do not rely on storing secrets in plain text or environment variables. Make use of dedicated secret management services that directly integrate with your CI/CD tools, and always scope the permissions of pipeline credentials to the bare minimum. Have regular security audits on the pipeline configuration to identify vulnerabilities before they are exploited.


Terraform secret management is a key part of modern infrastructure security. As organizations continue to scale their cloud infrastructure, proper secret management is not merely a security requirement, but it has also become an operational necessity. By implementing secure secret handling correctly, organizations can still enjoy the benefits of agility and automation present through Infrastructure as Code without any exposure to their sensitive data.

As tools and practices continue to advance, the fundamentals of secure secret management still hold true: encrypt sensitive data, apply access controls, regularly rotate secrets, and maintain audit trails. By using and implementing these principles and harnessing the power of Terraform’s secret management features, organizations can create a strong strategy for secure, scalable infrastructure management.

You can refer to Cycode, to further improve your Terraform security hygiene practices and allow your infrastructure to be agile yet secure.

About Cycode

Cycode is the leading Application Security Posture Management (ASPM) providing Peace of Mind to its customers. Its Complete ASPM platform delivers safe code, faster. That means stopping application risk before it starts, reducing developer productivity tax and lowering the total cost of ownership.

The platform can replace existing application security testing tools or integrate with them while providing cyber resiliency through unmatched visibility, risk driven prioritization and just in-time remediation of code vulnerabilities as scale. Cycode’s Risk Intelligence Graph (RIG), the ‘brain’ behind the platform, provides traceability across the entire SDLC through natural language.